The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary 'beneath the skin' hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin. One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue. The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck and can also be used for the décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area where it would effectively treat skin laxity. The treatment is suitable for men and women as well as offering skin benefits for patients of all ages.
Ultra-pure hyaluronic acid is precisely injected into the area being treated. Unlike wrinkle reducing and dermal filler treatments, Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water in the deeper layers of the skin.
As a stabilised product, the activity on dermal cells will last longer than that of a non-stabilised gel. During this time the stimulation of four different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid.
The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. Therefore we cannot say that Profhilo is a skin booster as it also has a significant tightening / lifting effect on the tissue.
What to expect during your treatment.
At the start of the actual treatment, the consultant will apply numbing cream on the desired area to make the experience more comfortable and virtually painless. In the first session, we will mark up the points to be injected, and then inject the first 2ml of Profhilo treatment at 5 separate injection points on each side of your face. If you are having the treatment injected to other body parts such as your neck, your cleavage or your hands, then the procedure will be similar.
Within the practice, it is widely recommended to have at least two Profhilo skin treatment sessions in order to see the most optimal and pronounced results. Within an interval of 4 weeks, we recommend having 4ml worth of treatment altogether, with two treatments and 2ml injected during each.
However, for more mature and aged skin, practitioners may recommend an additional session to reverse any stubborn aging symptoms or prominent skin problems. Alternatively, some practitioners will recommend increasing or doubling the dosage to 8ml of Profhilo treatment over the course of the month, with each session injecting 4ml. Yet this is something you can discuss and be clear with your practitioner about during your consultation, since it is up to you which results you are aiming for, the budget you have and whether you would like further treatment.
Once the initial two or three sessions are finished to complete the treatment, you may want to top up the treatment every 6 months as this is when the results begin to wear off. This is something that, again, it is best to discuss with a practitioner during your initial consultation and when drawing up a comprehensive treatment plan.
Profhilo treatment takes around 30 minutes to be completed, per session. During this half an hour period, the practitioner will apply numbing cream, mark out spots for injections and will inject your area of concern in five places for widespread and more effective treatment. Generally, the procedure is quicker than most beauty procedures and is relatively comfortable.
Since it is not major surgery, there is no downtime required for recovery after the treatment. However, it is largely advised that you refrain from applying cosmetics, becoming excessively sweaty and oily for a few days post-treatment for the best results. This means avoiding saunas, the gym and make up for a couple of days post-treatment in order for the product to settle into your skin.
It is not unusual for you to experience some extent of swelling and bruising over the few days that follow the treatment. This is because of the body’s natural response to the needle and injection, as with any clinical or non-clinical injections or harm to skin. In the event of brushing, it is advised to stay away from harsh sun for a few days.
It is recommended that you avoid frequently touching the targeted area and that you don’t engage with intense exercise for at least a day since this will risk displacing or interfering with the Profhilo treatment - which will reduce effectiveness.
Although you are still able to get further cosmetic treatments on that area alongside the Profhilo treatment, we recommend not doing so until at least 2 days after the treatment is complete since this may also affect the treatment’s functioning.
Aside from these restrictions, Profhilo is a non-invasive procedure and therefore allows you to return promptly to your daily routine, so long as you follow that advice.
Contrary to many other injectable fillers, hyaluronic Acid is relatively unproblematic and well tolerated by the human body because our bodies naturally produce hyaluronic acid anyway, so higher levels of the acid do not trigger many potential side effects, and no long-term side effects. This is because the body metabolises and welcomes the treatment.
Thus far, mild swelling and bruising are among the only reported side effects associated with Profhilo treatment, which are both a natural consequence of injection. Even so, these symptoms often disappear within a few days and are no cause for alarm whatsoever. It is important to recall that any side effects suffered from this injection, if correctly applied, are actually from the fine needle used to insert the treatment, not the treatment itself.
It is also highly unlikely that individuals will have an allergic reaction to the treatment since Profhilo is free from synthetic chemicals and is only based upon natural body acids. As a result, no allergy tests are required prior to treatment.
With that in mind, if you find that your are suffering any of the following side effects, we strongly advise that you contact your doctor immediately and seek urgent healthcare or advice. These include:
Everybody is different, so it is important to address any of the above side effects before these result in further and lasting damage. However, this is among the safest aesthetic treatments available, with a very low chance of adverse reactions.
It is difficult to predict exactly what results you will achieve from this treatment since everyone is different and everyone’s bodies act differently. Broadly speaking, however, you should expect to see a smoother, clearer and more youthful complexion, with minimised wrinkles, creases and wear. It usually also makes skin look shiny, healthier and more plump - as many fillers do. The results will likely be less dramatic than some other, more invasive fillers and surgery, but still noticeable.
Generally speaking, the results of Profhilo treatments can last up to roughly 6 months, however, this may vary by patient - particularly depending on skin type and age. The Profhilo treatment can work independently as a treatment on its own or in combination with other cosmetic treatments, namely because it is a natural product that is being injected.
After this six month period or when you begin to see the treatment’s effects wearing away, it is recommended that you can top up treatments if you wish to continue.